O universo nu
Choir performed by Célia Gondol, Olivier Normand and Nina Santes

Towards photography without man?
With artist and new media theorist Joanna Zylinska

Round of talks conceived by LE BAL, l'Ecole Normale Supérieure and l’université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

"I called her Lisa Marie" - Clémentine Schneidermann
Launching and signature

Ritual for a sensitive geography
Three steps choreography by Julie Nioche, Filiz Sizanli and Mustafa Kaplan

ROUND #10 « Le parti pris des images »
Debate organized by LE BAL and the EHESS

Genda Magazine #2 : "Animals as permanent followers"
Launch and presentation

Beyond the human?
With artists Fabien Giraud, Raphaël Siboni and Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac, curator of the exhibition

Donna Haraway and inter-species communities
With filmmaker Fabrizio Terranova

The suspended time of authoritarian rule. A tribute to Osman Kavala
Carte blanche to Béatrice Hibou

The Size of Our Souls
Trio performed by Julie Nioche, Gwenaëlle Aubry and Sir Alice

Bordering on the human. For a comparative anthropology of artificial creatures
With anthropologist and filmmaker Emmanuel Grimaud

A conversation between Debi Cornwall, Aglaia Konrad, Paola Yacoub and Diane Dufour

The animated object, between fiction, politics and disconcerting strangeness
With artist Roee Rosen and Jean-Pierre Rehm, general delegate, FID Marseille

Séance inaugurale du cycle "Humain / Non Humain"
A l'Ecole Normale Supérieure