6 special mentions of the Jury
The jury awarded among 426 received applications, 6 special mentions : David de Beyter, Rébecca Digne, David Fathi, Wiame Haddad, Gábor Arion Kudász, Matthieu Raffard.
Special mentions will profit of 2 masterclass day in Septembre 2016. They will meet professionals and visual arts artist visuels (éditors, graphic designers, heads of institutions, critics, artists, collectors, etc.) to aim to identify their project issues, strenghten et push forward their projects.
David de Beyter / Big Bangers
Rebecca Digne / Abriter
David Fathi / On the last road with the immortal woman
Wiame Haddad / Ceux qui restent
GÁbor Arion KudÁsz / Human Scale
Matthieu Raffard / Programme de recherche