Samuel Gratacap
Le BAL award for young artists with ADAGP
To announce the new prize LE BAL AWARD FOR YOUNG ARTISTS with ADAGP, we’re pleased to present the exhibition EMPIRE by Samuel Gratacap
“In Tunisia, 5 km away from Libya’s frontier, Choucha camp became a transit area for several hundred thousand Sub-Saharan refugees escaping Libyan civil war. Since 2011 when first appeared the camp in the Tunisian desert, I followed refugees in their everyday life. My photographs and video works reflect the space-time specificities of this living place shaped by wait. Wait due to the different stages of asylum applications for refugees, combined with the tension of those suspended destinies in a same temporary site that became perennial by circumstances, to finally disappear”
-Samuel Gratacap (born in 1982)
A book to accompany the exhibition will be co-published by LE BAL and Filigranes Editions, designed by Pierre Hourquet and the artist in collaboration with Guillaume Gratacap.
The book received support from Hugues Aubry.
Curator : Pascal Beausse
The exhibition received the support of ADAGP, SFR, Fonds de dotation Agnès B., Institut Français de Tunisie and CNAP, fonds d'aide à la photographie documentaire contemporaine.
Samuel Gratacap received the support of FNAGP / Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, session 2015, for his video project Les Naufragé(e)s.

Talk / Signature with Samuel Gratacap, Christiane Vollaire and Pascal Beausse

Film cycle around the exhibition EMPIRE - SAMUEL GRATACAP