Samuel Gratacap
The exhibition Samuel Gratacap - Empire coincides with a book co-published by LE BAL and Filigranes Éditions, conceived by Pierre Hourquet and the artist in collaboration with Guillaume Gratacap.
“In Tunisia, 5 km away from Libya’s frontier, Choucha camp became a transit area for several hundred thousand Sub-Saharan refugees escaping Libyan civil war. Since 2011 when first appeared the camp in the Tunisian desert, I followed refugees in their everyday life. My photographs and video works reflect the space-time specificities of this living place shaped by wait. Wait due to the different stages of asylum applications for refugees, combined with the tension of those suspended destinies in a same temporary site that became perennial by circumstances, to finally disappear”
Samuel Gratacap
Texts: Samuel Gratacap in collaboration with Léa Bismuth
Testimonies of Bright, Fadoma, Khadija, S.D., Favor, Zahra, Omar and Karim Traoré
(refugees in Choucha)
Bilingual English/French
Published on: Septembre 2015
Format : 29 x 18,5 cm
124 pages
64 images in color
25 euros

Talk / Signature with Samuel Gratacap, Christiane Vollaire and Pascal Beausse