Round #1 - Exile and migration policy
Laurent Malone, Calais / newjungle / mai 2015
Seminar organized by LE BAL and the EHESS
In line with LE BAL exhibitions, artists and researchers in social studies compare their methods and approaches. In the exhibition EMPIRE / Samuel Gratacap, the seminar will focus on the states migration policies and on the legal and ordinary forms of violence endured by the exiles.
How can one makes visible and audible what the european migration policies make underground ?
With :
Philippe Bazin, photographer
Emmanuel Blanchard, historian and researcher at the Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droit et les institutions pénales, member of the Migreurop.
Youssef Chebbi, co-director of Babylon, Grand prix de la Compétition internationale du Fid Marseille 2012.
Jocelyne Dakhlia, historian and head of studies at the EHESS.
Laurent Malone, photographer, member of the Pôle d'exploration des Ressources Urbaines.
Chowra Makaremi, anthropologist and research fellow at the CNRS.
Host : Sylvain Bourmeau, journalist, producer of La suite dans les idées on France Culture and lecturer at the EHESS.
In line with this seminar, the movie Babylon by Youssef Chebbi, Ismael and Ala Eddine Slim will be screened at the Cinéma des Cinéastes.
Practical info
Price (6€ / 4€ reduced)
More informations :

Talk / Signature with Samuel Gratacap, Christiane Vollaire and Pascal Beausse

Film cycle around the exhibition EMPIRE - SAMUEL GRATACAP