Main partner
Ville de Paris
Since the outset, La ville de Paris has been right behind LE BAL, allowing it to move into a former ballroom from the Roaring Twenties. It supports the whole of LE BAL programs, including the Fabrique du Regard's outreach activities towards young Parisians mostly from schools in underprivileged Priority Education. LE BAL has been awarded the "Art pour grandir" label.
Public Partners
Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
The Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports assists La Fabrique du Regard in its activities: workshops, training, automnal seminars and Les Carnets du BAL.
The Direction du Numérique pour l'éducation supports the development of ERSILIA and participates in the valorisation of the platform. ERSILIA is accessible on Éduthèque, the Ministry's portal for educational, cultural and scientific resources. Since 2021, Le BAL has benefited from a FONJEP grant to develop the association's research partnerships.
The Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires, with the support of the Ministère de la Ville, supports the training programme of La Fabrique du Regard, via the ERSILIA platform ( in three french regions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France and Île-de-France.
Région Île-de-France
The Région Île-de-France has contributed to the opening LE BAL and LE BAL Books. Each year it plays an active part in the Mon œil ! program for Île-de-France high school students.
The Ministère de la Culture – Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France supports the artistic and cultural programming (exhibitions and events dedicated to young creation), the educational programs of La Fabrique du Regard as well as the autumn seminar of LE BAL.
Winner of the AMI 2022 "Tooling digital mediation" initiated by the Agence Nationale de Cohésion de Territoires ("ANCT") within the framework of the France Relance investment plan, the ERSILIA project led by La Fabrique du Regard aims at equipping and training the territory's actors and facilitating access to the online platform: production of online content, training in several stages on the territory and technical developments to widen the accessibility
Recipient of the "Numérique inclusif, numérique en commun" (inclusive digital, digital in common) scheme in 2022 supported by the Banque des Territoires Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, LE BAL, via its educational centre La Fabrique du Regard, aims to use the image, media and information education workshops conducted with young people in the Île-de-France region to disseminate their digital and artistic creations via the ERSILIA platform (
Since 2010, la Préfecture de Paris has been an active player in the programs of La Fabrique du Regard and pilot projects in Paris, notably in priority development neighbourhoods.
Centre National des Arts Plastiques
Le centre national des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) makes an active contribution to the Fall seminar and to the Les Carnets du BAL.
Mairie du 18e arrondissement - Paris
La Mairie du 18e arrondissement provided a major boost to the program Mon Journal du Monde, dedicated to the mid-school students and still accompanies it each year.
Major Sponsors
ADAGP assists LE BAL in its support for Young Creation by contributing to the LE BAL Award for Young Creation with the ADAGP.
Centre français d’exploitation du droit de copie
The C.F.C. Centre français d’exploitation du droit de copie partners with La Fabrique du Regard for a large-scale project over three years (2021-2024). The "Pics up speak up" project includes workshops on image education and citizenship for young people and adults responsible for young people, the creation of digital educational tools and event days dedicated to education.
Foundation Jordan Wings
Jordan Wings Foundation participated in the production of a film for the Que Faire ? programme in 2019 and since 2021 has supported the development of ERSILIA (, the digital image education platform of LE BAL / La Fabrique du Regard.
Fondation TotalEnergies
La TotalEnergies Foundation soutient des actions d'éducation à l'image et de formation de La Fabrique du Regard sur 3 ans dans 3 régions (Auvergne Rhônes Alpes, Hauts de France et Île de France) auprès de jeunes habitants des Quartiers Politique de la Ville.
The Fondation Afnic supports the programme Mon Œil !, a digital creation, image education and citizenship project aimed at young high school students from all disciplines, from neighbourhoods located in priority education zones.
Alliance pour l'Education - United Way
Since 2020, Alliance pour l'Education - United Way has been supporting Mon Œil !, a digital creation, image education and citizenship project aimed at young high school students in all fields of study, from neighbourhoods located in priority education zones. LE BAL and its educational centre La Fabrique du Regard are involved in Défi Jeunesse, a multi-stakeholder programme run by Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way, which aims to promote equal opportunities in access to informed career choices. The Youth Challenge actions focus on the development of a better knowledge of oneself, of others and of the professional world, to prepare young people to make their first choices for the future.
Fondation BIC
The Fondation BIC supports the programme Mon Journal du Monde of La Fabrique du Regard dedicated to 11 to 15 years old young people.
Fondation Linklaters
La Fondation Linklaters supports the development of Mon Journal du Monde dedicated to mid-school students from 11 to 15 years old.
Fonds MAIF pour l'éducation
The Fonds MAIF pour l’Éducation supports all of La Fabrique du Regard's image, media and citizenship education activities, particularly via its digital platform ERSILIA.
Milk for good
Milk for good supports the Mon Œil ! programme, a digital creation, image education and citizenship project for young high school students in Dammartin-en-Goële.
Cercle des Amis Mécènes
Le Cercle des 100 amis Mécènes supports LE BAL and its activities such as Que Faire ? and the Award of the Young Creation.
Le Club Entreprises du BAL est un laboratoire de réflexion, de création et d'action qui réunit entreprises et dirigeants partageant les valeurs du BAL et soutenant son ambition d'inscrire résolument les arts visuels dans une réflexion sur nos sociétés. L'énergie et l'innovation donnent au BAL des éléments d'ADN communs évidents avec les entrepreneurs.
Associated Partners
Arte Studio Lab has accompanied LE BAL and La Fabrique du Regard in the conception and the technical development of ERSILIA since its creation. Under Lumni, a pedagogical, cultural and scientific resources portal, LE BAL proposes an expanded access to ERSILIA designed for second cycle teachers and their students.
Cinéma des cinéastes
Since 2010, Le Cinéma des Cinéastes has hosted the « Cycle Cinéma » linked with the current exhibition at LE BAL, which enables the audience to discover a high-level selection of rare and experimental films in one of the only cinema to be equipped of a 35mm projector.
Le Cinéma des Cinéastes is also a partner of the program Mon Oeil ! of La Fabrique du Regard. Each year, projections are organized there with young people involved in the educational programmes.
Each year, l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales hosts the Fall seminar of LE BAL which aimed to explore the issues of contemporary images and to understand the idea of visual “document” in its whole diversity. This collaboration has prevailed since 2015 with the Rounds, organized in the heart of each exhibition at LE BAL. These Rounds use a radiophonic format in order to create a conversation between an artist and a social researcher. Theses dialogues are all about building a common thinking regarding the limits, the forms and the potential of an image based relationship to the world.
LE BAL is involved in the ImagesIN project, led by the École nationale supérieure de la photographie alongside Jeu de Paume and Les Rencontres d'Arles.
La Fémis
La Fémis is a partner of Mon Œil !. Each year, projections are organized there. Every year since 2017, the school hosted the restitution exhibition of works by the young students. Directors and former Fémis students regularly lead workshops of creation with the young students of La Fabrique du Regard.
Technical Partners
Art is code
Design, development and web content agency, Art is code contributes to the PICS UP platform design in March 2015, and the conception and design of LE BAL's new website in November 2015.
Picto Foundation
One of Paris's oldest photo printers, and ever attentive to artists' needs, PICTO has been with LE BAL from the start, with special emphasis since 2013 on helping young artists and backing La Fabrique du Regard.