Martine Aballéa, artist
Elsa Abderhamani, artist
Ada Ackerman, art historian
Sara Acremann, artist
Ezio d’Agostino, photographer
Pascal Aimar, photographer
Naïm Aït-Sidhoum, filmmaker
José Albergaria, graphic designer
Emmanuelle André, doctor in film studies
Josza Anjembe, filmmaker
Valéria Anzolin, photographer
Aurélien Arbet, artist
Alain Moïse Arbib, photographer
Mali Arun, artist
Stéphane Asseline, photographer
Paul-Laurent Assoun, psychoanalyst
Irène Attinger, head of the Bibliothèque de la Maison Européenne de la Photographie
Gwenaëlle Aubry, novelist and philosopher, researcher at the CNRS
Marc Aufraise, historian of photography
Jacques Aumont, image theorist
Marie-Laure Augry, mediator, France Télévisions
Elsa Aupetit, graphic designer
Mariette Auvray, filmmaker
Camille Ayme, photographer, architect
Ariella Azoulay, philosopher
Clémentine Baert, film and stage director
Nicolas Bailleul, artist
Jean-Christophe Bailly, writer
Aurélien Bambagioni, artist
Fabienne Ballandras, artist
Vincent Ballart, artist
Caroline Barat, architect
Anouk Barberousse, history and philosophy teacher
Myriam Barchechat, graphic designer
Laurene Barnel, artist
Andrés Baron, video artist
Valentina Barriga, artist
Louise Bartlett, journalist
Rik Bas-Backer, graphic designer
Pauline Bastard, artist
Philippe Bataille, school action coordinator at la Source
Taysir Batniji, artist
Eric Baudelaire, artist
César Bazin, architect at A+1 agency
Edouard Beau, photographer
Gaspard de Beauvais, graphic designer
Nicolas Becker, sound designer
Cyril Béghin, film critic
Valérie Belin, photographer
Mariannnick Bellot, sound maker
Raymond Bellour, film theorist
Louidgi Beltrame, artist
Arnaud Bemus, artist
François Bemus, artist
Safouane Ben Slama, photographer
Yasmina Benabderrahmane, artist
Johanna Benaïous, performer–video maker
Alain Bergala, curator, film critic
Bernard Berliet, journalist, France Télévisions
Janloup Bernard, filmmaker
Léandre Bernard-Brunel, video maker
Maxime Bersweiler, graphic designer
Julien Berthier, artist
Muriel Berthou, historian of photography
Jean-Hugues Berrou, filmmaker, writer
Raphaële Bezin, artist
Romain Blanc-Tailleur, artist
François Bœspflug, historian
Cecile Boëx, political scientist specialising in the use of video in the context of revolts and conflicts in the Arab world
Maxime Boidy, translator
Julie Boillot-Savarin, scenographer
Lucile Boiron, photographer
Thomas Boivin, photographer
Maxime Bondu, artist
Nicolas Boone, filmmaker
Julia Borderie, filmmaker
Olivier Bosson, artist
Samuel Bouaroua, iconographer
Claire Boucharlat, art historian
Nathalie Boulouch, historian of photography and contemporary art
Lolita Bourdet, photographer
Mohamed Bourouissa, photographer
Nelson Bourrec-Carter, artist
Marie-Noëlle Boutin, photographer
Arthur Bouvart, journalist
Elsa Boyer, writer, doctor in philosophy
Frédéric Boyer, writer
Florent Brayard, historian
Elsa Brès, artist and architect
Stéphane Breton, anthropologist and filmmaker, director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Jérôme Brezillon, photographer
Adam Broomberg, artist
Sophie Brossais, artistic director
Laura Brunellière, photographer
Alice Brygo, filmmaker
Alain Bublex, artist
Emmanuel Burdeau, film critic
Victor Burgin, artist et theorist
Gerard Byrne, artist
Fernado Cabral, choreographer
Hugo Caillaud, artist
Juan Camelo, art historian
David Campany, curator
Caroline Capelle, filmmaker
Giovanni Careri, art historian
Audrey Carrera, urban planner
Nicolas Carrier, artist
Roberto Casati, philosopher, research supervisor at the CNRS
Pascale Cassagnau, in charge of the audiovisual holdings, Centre national des arts plastiques
Pierre Cassou-Noguès, philosopher
Ivàn Castiñeiras, filmmaker
Cataloged, (Coline Sunier and Charles Mazé), graphic design agency
Isabelle Chalot, commercial manager at Fot Imprimeur
Caroline Champetier, cinematographer and filmmaker
Olivier Chanarin, artist
Jean-Marc Chapoulie, artist and curator
Julien Chapsal, photographer
Lucine Charon, artist
Lionel Chassaing, territorial manager, Culture, Terres de France
Mathilde Chavanne, filmmaker
Youssef Chebbi, filmmaker
Clément Chéroux, historian of photography, curator at the Centre Pompidou
Claire Chevrier, photographer
Angèle Chiodo, artist
Show Chun Lee, artist, anthropologist
Gregory Cohen, researcher
Collectif 1.0.3., artists
Collectif A+1, architects and artists in residence at the Grands Voisins
Jean-Paul Colleyn, anthropologist, in charge of the Audiovisual division at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Charlotte Collin, graphic designer
Therese Collins, cognitive sciences teacher at the Université Paris-Descartes
Frédéric Combe, actor
Anaïs-Tohé Commaret, video artist
Louise Contant, art historian
Soukvilay Cordier, graphic designer
Emma Cossée, photographer
Sophie Costamagna, museographer
Henri Coudoux, librarian of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie
Gilles Coulon, photographer
Sébastien Courtieux, iconographer PlayBac Presse
Cindy Coutant, artist
Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, photographer
Anne Couzon Cesca, artist
Jean-Pierre Criqui, art historian, critic and in charge of the spoken word department of the Centre Pompidou
Jules Cruveiller, video maker
OPJ Cyganek, artist
Neila Czermak Ichti, artist
Antoine D’Agata, photographer
Michaël Dacheux, filmmaker
Hannah Darabi, photographer
Daniel Darmon, film editor
Denis Darzacq, photographer
Thierry Davila, curator, Mamco
Sepand Danesh, artist
Margaret Dearing, photographer
Marie De Brugerolle, historian, art critic and curator
Daniela De Felice, filmmaker
Alain Declercq, artist
Michel Dector and Michel Dupuy, artists
Stéphane Degoutin, artist
Paul Demare, webmaster and publisher
Nathalie Delbard, historian of photography
Marcelline Delbecq, artist
Jonas Delhaye, artist
Olivier Derousseau, filmmaker
Gabriel Desplanque, artist
Hugo Deverchère, artist
Agnès Devictor, film historian
Frédérique Devillez, filmmaker
Georges Didi-Huberman, philosopher and art historian
Rebecca Digne, artist
Jérôme Dokic, philosopher
Brice Domingues, graphic designer
Celine Drouin Laroche, artist
Larisa Dryansky, art historian
Marion Dubier-Clark, photographer
Thomas Dubuisson, architect
Timothée Dufresne, artist
Chloé Dugit-Gros, artist
Marion Duquerroy, historian of photography
Anouck Durand, artist
Philippe Durand, artist
Marion Dutoit, artist and landscaper
Céline Duval, artist
Jérémie Egry, artist
Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Charlotte El Moussaed, artist
Wilfrid Estève, producer
Johan Faerber, collections director, Editions Hatier
Camille Fallet, photographer
Nanda Fernandez-Brédillard, video maker
Anaïs Feyeux, historian of photography
Galdric Fleury, artist
Valérie Fougeirol, manager, Galerie Magnum Photos
Justine Fournier, graphic designer
Arnaud-Pierre Fourtané, graphic designer and publisher
Paul Frèches, Paul Frèches gallery
Emmanuelle Fructus, collector
Marina Gadonneix, photographer
Patrick Galais, photographer
Carole Gascard, curator, BHVP
Michel Gauthier, art critic, curator, MNAM
Vincent Gebel, graphic designer
Adrien Genoudet, attaché to the chair of Patrick Boucheron, Collège de France
Vincent Gérard, filmmaker and producer
Agnès Geoffray, artist
Alexandre Gilbert, Chappe gallery
Aline Girard, graphic designer
Anthony Girardi, photographer
Arno Gisinger, artist photographer and teacher-researcher at the Université Paris VIII
Valentine Goby, writer
Goldberg, educational content manager and trainer
Juanma Gomez, graphic designer
Pierre Jorge Gonzalez, architect
Lola Gonzalez, video maker
Sylvain Gouraud, photographer
Pauline Gourlet, graphic designer and interaction designer
Benjamin Grafmeyer, silk-screen printer
Grégoire Grange, photographer
Thierry Grapotte, scenographer
Samuel Gratacap, artist
Benoît Grimbert, photographer
Johan Grimonprez, artist, filmmaker
Rostam Grupper, photographer
Mariusz Grygielewicz, artist
Chloé Guerber-Cahuzac, filmmaker, film historian
Samuel Guerin, tour guide, Heritage department, Ville d'art et d'histoire du Havre
Jeff Guess, artist
Thomas Guillaud-Bataille, sound maker
Laetitia Guillemin, iconographer
Alexis Guillier, artist
Léa Guintrand, photographer and video maker
Catherine Guiral, graphic designer
Sylvain Guitz, graphic designer
André Gunthert, researcher in visual history
Laure Haberschill, heritage funds manager, Bibliothèque des Arts décoratifs
Léa Habourdin, photographer
Laura Haby, filmmaker
Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, artists and filmmakers
Lola Hakimian, photographer
Paul Heintz, filmmaker
Mishka Henner, artist
Camille Henrot, artist
Guillaume Herbaut, photographer
Rémy Héritier, choreographer
Christophe Herreros, video artist
Louise Hervé, art historian
Marie Heyse, filmmaker
Thomas Hirschhorn, artist
Pauline Hisbacq, photographer
Julien Hourcade, graphic designer
Pierre Hourquet, designer
Emilie Houssa, art historian
Laura Huertas Millán, artist
Erkki Huhtamo, media historian
Princia Itoua, artist
Irène Jacob, actress
Mat Jacob, photographer
Patrick Jaquin, communication department, France Télévisions
Nicolas Jimenez, director of the photography department, Le Monde
Julie Jones, historian of photography
Camille Jouin, graphic designer
Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, writer and philosopher
Naïma Kaddour, photo editor, Magnum Photos
Ayperi Karabuda Ecer, director of the photography department, Agence Reuters
Camille Kirnidis, artist photographer
Jérémie Koering, researcher
La Tête Moderne (Carine Turin and Marc Deroin), graphic design agency
Chantal Lachkar, director, Bibliothèque des Arts décoratifs
Gonzague Lacombe, graphic designer
Laurent Lacotte, artist
Simon Lacourt, École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles
Cédric Laty, producer
Ghislain Lauverjat, education content manager and trainer
Marco Juan Lavandier, graphic designer
Matthieu Lavau, graphic designer
Vincent Lavoie, historian of photography
Lucie Le Corre, conservation attaché, MNAM
Guillaume Le Gall, contemporary art historian, curator
Dominique Le Glou, journalist, France Télévisions
Clément Le Penven, video maker
Guillaume Lebrun, photographer
Elise Leclercq, video artist
Samuel Lecocq, video artist
Gérard Lefort, journalist, film critic and writer
Pierre Leguillon, artist
Mathilde Lemagne, graphic designer
Marc Leschelier, architect
Ombline Ley, filmmaker
Vincent Lhuillier, photographer
Fanny Liatard, filmmaker
Jacky Libaud, tour guide
Sébastien Lifshitz, filmmaker and scriptwriter
Sylvie Lindeperg, historian
Alexandra Kandy Longuet, documentary maker
Géraldine Longueville, École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts, Paris-Cergy
Hérine Loussouarn, audience manager, Anatome gallery
Vincent Lowy, teacher in film-making studies and director of the École nationale Louis-Lumière
Olivier Lugon, historian of photography
Mark Lyon, photographer
Marielle Macé, literature specialist, research supervisor at the CRNS, director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and at the École Normale Supérieure
Caroline Magre, graphic designer
Julien Magre, photographer
Cécile Mainardi, writer
Philippe Mairesse, founder of Grore Images
Eleonore Mallo, sound engineer
Laurent Malone, photographer
Fatiha Mellal, choreographer
Juliette Mancini, graphic designer
Nathalie Marchetti, photogoraphy department, L’Express Style
Sylvain Maresca, sociologist of images
Pauline Mari, art historian
Randa Maroufi, filmmaker
Maïté Marra, artist
Franck Marry, graphic designer
Gil Mas, scenographer
Sabine Massenet, video maker
Stéphanie Masson, scriptwriter
Louis Matton, artist
Maxisouk, graphic designer
Rayane Mcirdi, video artist
Eva Medin, artist
Théo Medina, artist
Sophie Mendelsohn, psychoanalyst
Michel Menu, researcher at the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France
Laura Mergoni, video maker
Philippe-Alain Michaud, curator, MNAM
Valentin Milou, photographer
Etienne Mineur, creative manager, Éditions Volumiques
Gabriela Monelle, art historian
Nelly Monnier, artist
Pablo Montaño Destrée, development manager
Morad Montazami, curator
Natielly Mora, artist
Gilles Mouëllic, teacher in film studies, Université Rennes 2
Benjamin Mouly, artist and video maker
Valérie Mréjen, artist
Marianne Muller, artist
Laura Haby, filmmaker
Adam Murray, photographer
Louise Mutrel, artist photographer
Arthur Nauzyciel, film and stage director, actor, director of the Théâtre National de Bretagne
Jurgen Nefzger, photographer
Marylène Negro, artist
Léa Neuville, artist
Kim Lan Nguyen Thi, artist
Federico Nicolao, writer, philosopher
Marta Niedzwiecka, iconographer
David Noir, actor, performer
Nøne Futbol Club (Colas Claisse and Seraphim Ranson), artists
Marion Normand, photographer, reporter
Riccardo Olerhead, artist
Can Onaner, architect
Michel « Meech » Onomo, dancer and choreographer
Manon Ott, filmmaker
Malika Ouedraogo, set designer
Sophie Orlando, art historian
Thomas Orssaud, École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles
Marie Ouazzani, artist
Trevor Paglen, photographer
Isabel Pagliai, filmmaker
Giulietta Palumbo, Agence Magnum
Lucie Pannetrat, artist
Elsa Parra, performr-video maker
Cécile Paris, artist
Matthias Pasquet, artist
Frédéric Paul, art critic
Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza, artist
Damien Peyret, artist
Pascale Peyret, artist
Muriel Pic, historienne, literature theorist
Stéphane Pichard, photographer and video maker
Arnauld Pierre, contemporary art historian, art critic and curator
Marie Pierre-Bouthier, cinéma and Arab studies graduate, teacher at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Flavie Pinatel, filmmaker
Valentin Pinet, filmmaker
Steven Pippin, artist
Assia Piqueras, filmmaker
Nicolas Poillot, artistic director
Abraham Poincheval, artist
Catherine Poncin, photographer
Charlotte Potot, art historian
Julie Poulain, artist
Vincent Pouplard, artist
Paul Pouvreau, artist
Maciek Pozoga, photographer
Marie Preston, artist
Sarah Preston, photographer
Manon Pretto, artist
Julien Prévieux, artist
Philippe Pumain, architect
Alexandre Quoi, curator
Agathe Raciazek, graphic designer
Catherine Radosa, artist
Julie Ramage, artist and researcher
Lou Rambert Preiss, filmmaker
Enrique Ramírez, artist
Juliette Ray, director, Anatome gallery
Gilles Raynaldy, photographer
Lola Reboud, photographer
Manon Recordon, artist
Daniel Regard, co-founder of the Artisans du Regard
Jean-Pierre Rehm, art and film critic, Festival International du Documentaire de Marseille (FID)
Isabelle Renard, Cité Internationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration
Jean-Baptiste Renaud, journalist
Claire Renier, artist and art historian
Pablo Réol, artist
Jessica Retailleau, audience manager, Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson
Denys Riout, art historian
Sophie Ristelhueber, photographer
Thomas Rochon, graphic designer
Till Roeskens, video maker
Camille Rosa, artist
Marie Rosselet-Ruiz, filmmaker
Mina Rouabah, head of the photography department, Libération
Edith Roux, photographer
Emilie Rouy, iconographer, Causette magazine
Philippe Rouy, filmmaker
Ilan Sabban, photographer
Geoffrey Saint-Martin, graphic designer
Clément Saccomani, editorial manager, Magnum Photo
Violaine Sand, director, Roger Viollet Agency
François Santerre, photographer and publisher
Karolina Samborska, landscaper and photographer
Yves Sarfati, teacher in psychia de psychatry, psychoanalyst
Jean-Marie Schaeffer, philosophical aesthetics and art theory specialist, director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and research supervisor at the CNRS
Bertrand Schefer, writer and filmmaker
Olivier Schefer, Aesthetics teacher at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Félix Schoeller, doctor in cognitive sciences at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Clara Schulmann, art historian and critic
Elisabeth Schwartz, dancer and choreographer
Louise Sébille Vignaud, editor-in-chief at Sans A_
Didier Semin, art historian
Bruno Serralongue, photographer
Alexandra Serrano, photographer
Margaux Serre, film editor
Jessica Servières, director of photography
Ludivine Sibelle, artist
Jeff Daniel Silva, filmmaker, member of the Centre Norbert Elias à l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Pablo Silveira Fontoura, PhD student at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Nicolas Simarik, artist
Clio Simon, filmmaker
Agnès Sire, director, Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson
Gregg Smith, video maker
Marina Smorodinova, filmmaker
Edouard Sors, architect
Olivia Speer, art historian
Alexander Streitberger, director, Lieven Gevaert Research Center for Photography
Marie-Pierre Subtil, editor-in-chief, 6 mois
Marie Sumalla, photography department, Le Monde
Mathilde Supe, filmmaker
Lucie Szechter, video maker
Paul Sztulman, art historian
Mehran Tamadon, architect and filmmaker
Alexandre Ténèze, composer
Virginie Terrasse, photographer
Frédéric Teschner, graphic designer
Dorian Teti, artist photographer
Bertrand Tillier, contemporary history teacher at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Adel Tincelin, photographer
Eden Tinto Collins, artist
Romaric Tisserand, artist
Sébastien Thiéry, political specialist
Sabine Thiriot, head of the educational department, Jeu de Paume
Ambra Tonini, artist
Daniel Touati, documentary maker
Emmanuelle Toulet, director of the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris
Bénédicte Trémolières, art restorer
Bruno Trentini, art historian
Damien Tronchot, sound engineer
Jérémy Trouilh, filmmaker
Julie Vacher, artist
Michel Vaissaud, production manager, PICTO laboratory
Philémon Vanorlé, artist
Gala Vanson, illustrator
Johanna Vaude, video maker
Laurence Vecten, photography manager, Glamour
Cédric de Veigy, photography and film historian
Capucine Vever, artist
Tanguy Viel, writer
Antoine Vincens de Tapol, photographer
Riccardo Venturi, art historian
Clément Verger, photographer
Erik Verhagen, art critic
Gwenola Wagon, artist
Pierre Wat, art historian, teacher at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Eyal Weizman, architect
Whitepapierstudio, graphic design agency
Alain Willaume, photographer
Rachael Woodson, photographer
Frédéric Worms, philosopher
Daniel Yahdjian, internship and visits manager, France Télévisions
Antoine Yoseph, artist
Olivier Zabat, artist and filmmaker
Dork Zabunyan, film historian
Claire Zaniolo, artist photographer
Anton Zatzépine, speaker, MNAM