In Between

To go along with the exhibition, Shelter Press and LE BAL co-published En Suspens. 

Conceived by Bartolomé Sanson, Diane Dufour and Julie Héraut, the book, taking its simplicity from the fanzine black & white, spreads in a constant stream of images, reflecting the exhibition.

Extracts from Un ABC de la barbarie by Jacques-Henri Michot, sprinkle the book and deconstruct the stereotypes produced by the media language. 

The images presented in the exhibition, as a polyphonic response, struggle with this destruction of words and thought. This publication, and act of resistance to the immediacy, is an attempt to give a poetical form to the intangible and insubstantial. 

Buy the book

Format 19 x 25 cm
96 pages
Black and white
Text : Diane Dufour
Available in French and English 

With the support of Susan and Thomas Dunn



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Thursday 8 March, 2018 - 8PM

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Thursday 7 June, 2018 - 8 pm

In Between

February 9 - May 13, 2018

Nuclear Winter

Lancement / Rencontre / DJ Set

Jeudi 22 mars 2018 - 20h

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