Magnum Analog Recovery

April 29 - August 27, 2017
  • Leonard Freed, Harlem Fashion show, 1963

    Leonard Freed / Magnum Photos

  • LE BAL/Martin Argyroglo

  • Championnat du monde d'échecs, Moscou, 1960

    Marc Riboud / Magnum Photos

  • LE BAL/Martin Argyroglo

  • Robert Capa, Les troupes américaines à l'assaut d'Omaha Beach le jour du débarquement, Normandie, France, 6 juin 1944

    Robert Capa © International Center of Photography/Magnum Photos

  • LE BAL/Martin Argyroglo

  • Cornell Capa, John F. Kennedy saluant une foule de supporters, North Hollywood, Californie, septembre 1960

    Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography/Magnum Photos

  • Henri-Cartier Bresson, « Cherche tout type de travail », panneau accroché au cou de ce jeune Allemand, Hambourg, Allemagne de l’Ouest, 1952.

    Henri Cartier Bresson/Magnum Photos

  • Eve Arnold, Institut pour la non-violence, Virginie, 1960

    Eve Arnold/Magnum Photos

« When you take a shot, you're halfway between a pickpocket and a tightrope walker. » Henri Cartier-Bresson

LE BAL is presenting a range of the co-operative’s treasures with contemporary prints and designs for books and publications dating from the creation of Magnum Photos (1947) till 1977. This year marks both 70 years of Magnum Photos and the completion of an archive making thousands of contemporary prints at last accessible : Magnum Analog Recovery (M.A.R.).

This collection, stored in the Magnum archives in Paris in boxes and bearing the name of each of the photographers, brings together the “postcard” prints sent out to the European Magnum agents for distribution to the press between 1947 and the end of the 1970s.
Yet this archive only contains a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of prints distributed by the Paris office during those 30 years. Only in rare cases do the stored images bear captions and the typed texts and captions accompanying the images have not always been preserved.

Great icons of the 20th century are to be found alongside images never previously seen or exhibited :

they are part of a dialogue linked to what the photographers had to say regarding the definition or contradictions inherent in their work and what was at stake, at a time when the world’s largest ever collective of photographers was taking shape. Their words call to mind just as many contradictory approaches to photography as the images themselves – the other side of the coin strewn with doubts and tensions which makes this array of “witnesses to the transitory” more resonant than ever.


To go along with the exhibition, LE BAL published the book Magnum Analog Recovery. 

During the exhibition Magnum Analog Recovery, Paris Aeroport and LE BAL present "Magnum Photos 70", during june 2017 in Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle's terminals. See also Magic moments, 70 ans de Magnum Photos at Leica (75018 Paris) from April 28 - September 1, 2017.



Matthieu Samadet / Goodbye Bucephale 

In the Press

" But at the same time, one can only be grateful that they bore witness. In a world where every smartphone is a camera, and respect for the photographic profession is declining rapidly, this exhibition is a clear illustration of the 'why' of photography. Photographers may not stop terrible things happening, but they can stop us from lying to ourselves that everything’s ok. "

Curators : Diane Dufour and Julie Héraut

At the occasion of Magnum Photo’s 70th anniversary, exhibition designed and produced by LE BAL and organized for the Mois de la Photo Grand Paris.

With the support of : LEICA and Exponens
Technical partners : Circad and Duffay
Partners media of the exhibition : Artpress, France Culture, L’Oeil de la photographiePolka, SlashTélérama.




Materialisms at work

Cycle organized by the École normale supérieure, university Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 and LE BAL

From January 19 to June 22 2017

I bring you news from the world

Film cycle around the exhibition Magnum Analog Recovery

From May 9 to June 6, 2017

Alchemy and cinematographic matter : Jürgen Reble

Screening and debate

Thursday May 18, 2017 - 8 PM

Natural environments and numerical matters

Jacques Perconte

Thursday June 9, 2017 - 8 PM

FCS REDUX | Play performed by Liz Santoro and Pierre Godard

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

Thursday June 15, 2017 - 8 PM

Bodies matter and body facing matter

Screening and debate with Amy Greenfield, Jonathan Glazer and Frédérique Menant

Thursday June 22, 2017 - 8 PM

Go further