Round #7 - Seeking for writings
Groupe d'hommes 2, Calais, 2008
Bruno Serralongue
In line with their will of break down the barriers between disciplines and to invent a new way to exchange, LE BAL and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) unite for a cycle of "Rounds". Every Round invite in the heart of the current exhibition, one artist and one researcher in social science to question the image as a place and issue of many interactions.
With which means can we begin a description of the world nowadays ? How can we build a documented point of view which associated strictness of the investigation and affirmation of a subjectivity ? If this issues are still questioned since the beginning of the 20th century, they revive these days in the visual arts field and in social sciences. New ways of writing emerge and shake the bounds between the scientific, journalistic, literary and artistic approaches. Toward which substantial changes do they lead ? Which new horizons for our world approach ?
For this ROUND #7, in line with the exhibition Magnum Analog Recovery, the historian Pauline Peretz and the artist Bruno Serralongue question the meaning of this renewal of documentary practices and of writing styles.
Host : Sylvain Bourmeau, journalist, producer of La Suite dans les idées on France Culture et lecturer at EHESS.
Pauline Peretz is lecturer in contemporary history at the Université de Nantes and member of the Centre d'études nord-américaines (CENA) of EHESS. She is also a member of the editorial board of La vie des idées (ed. Books & Ideas). Specialist of the United States in the 20th century, she is part of many collaborative projects (project « Raconter la vie »).
Bruno Serralongue is a photographer, he teaches at the Haute École d’art et de design de Genève. He built since the mid 1990s, a work which questions the production, diffusion and circulation process of images. In 2010, the gallery Jeu de Paume dedicated to him a monographic exhibition.
Podcast of the meeting (in French) :
Practical info
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Booking obligatory
Price : 6 euros