Alchemy and cinematographic matter : Jürgen Reble

Screening and debate
Thursday May 18, 2017 - 8 PM

Jürgen Reble

This session will focus on the emblematic work by the german director Jürgen Reble, which notably thinked the transition from silver to digital.

Cofounder of the collective Schmelzdahin [Dissolve yourself] in the 80s, Jürgen Reble twists the chemical processes, and sometimes uses physical destruction, as intentionally as accidentally, of the silver image.
With Yann Beauvais, director and movie critic ; Olivier Schefer, lecturer in aesthetic at the Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne.

In line with Matérialismes à l’œuvre, organized by the École normale supérieure, the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 and LE BAL.

Podcast of the meeting (in French) :

Practical info

Booking obligatory
For more informations :
Price : 6 euros



Magnum Analog Recovery

April 29 - August 27, 2017

Materialisms at work

Cycle organized by the École normale supérieure, university Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 and LE BAL

From January 19 to June 22 2017

Je vous apporte des nouvelles du monde

Cycle cinéma autour de Magnum Analog Recovery

Du 9 mai au 6 juin 2017

Round #7 - Seeking for writings

Debate-screening organized by LE BAL et l'EHESS

Friday June 9, 2017 - 8 PM

I bring you news from the world

Film cycle around the exhibition Magnum Analog Recovery

From May 9 to June 6, 2017