Natural environments and numerical matters

Jacques Perconte
Thursday June 9, 2017 - 8 PM

Jacques Perconte

How can we reproduce the materiality of the numerical image ?

Jacques Perconte's work explore the materiality of numerical images by twisting in many manners the founding processes of encoding and compression. His work distinguished itself par the singularity of Perconte's look which produces the forms richness and encourages to contemplate. By favouring the representation of natural forms and phenomenons, Perconte reinterprets through the numerical matter the inheritage of Romantism and Impressionism. In line with the soirée at LE BAL, Jacques Perconte will present the movies Chuva (2012, 8") and Patiras (2017, 34"), as well as extracts from generative pieces in which intertwinning happen between artist intentionality and plastic effects produced by algorithms.

With Benoît Turquety, lecturer in cinematographic history and aesthetic at the Université de Lausanne ; Jacques Perconte, director and artist.

In line with the cycle Matérialismes à l’œuvre, organized by the École normale supérieure, the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 and LE BAL.

Podcast of the meeting (in French) :

Practical info

For more informations :
Booking obligatory
Price : 6 euros



Magnum Analog Recovery

April 29 - August 27, 2017

Materialisms at work

Cycle organized by the École normale supérieure, university Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 and LE BAL

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Du 9 mai au 6 juin 2017

Round #7 - Seeking for writings

Debate-screening organized by LE BAL et l'EHESS

Friday June 9, 2017 - 8 PM

I bring you news from the world

Film cycle around the exhibition Magnum Analog Recovery

From May 9 to June 6, 2017

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