Writer, author of fictions inspired by the contemporary political and social context, and creator of high-sounding plays, Jean-Charles Massera develops a reflection on Europe's situation in a globalized system, crossing bar-room politics, common stereotypes and critics of the capitalist system.
Between individual imaginary and collective representations, he deciphers the prevailing speechs and discusses the alienation modes of the trading system, oscillating between existentialist philosophy and the farce. Meddling ordinary people's speechs and experts' speechs, the materialistic considerations of the time and the great political ideals, on a background of international current events and global economic crisis, he simply draws the portrait of our modern society and of its great ideological mess. Adapted from his book, We are l'Europe, published in 2009 at the Verticales Editions, the performance invites us to witness a dialogue between the author and his double, dropping from a reference to another, from a style to another, on a way that we are now familiar with where each information is almost forgotten as soon as it is announced, to lead to another one.
Practical info
Admission: Exhibition ticket
Information and reservation: contact@le-bal.fr