Books on Books
Discussion one the book « Books on Books » with Christophe Daviet-Thery, Christoph Schifferli, Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié andt Yann Sérandour
In the editorial project Books on Books, that united Christophe Daviet-Thery (editor / librarian specialised in artist editions), Christoph Schifferli (photographs and artist books collector), Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié (artist and graphic designer) and Yann Sérandour (artist), everyone’s role has been redistributed, the artists appearing to be passionate collectors, the collector taking the role of the curator, the graphic designer the role of the author and photographer, etc. The result is a book that blurs the limits defined by the usual categories of exhibition catalogues, artist books or photograph books.
Starting from this common experience, this intervention will take an interest in the question of the representation of the book by the book, throughout very different examples, chosen among the contemporary production or the history of the artist book, photograph book or graphic design, leaning particularly on the book Latin-American books of photographs.
Practical info
Admission: Exhibition ticket
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