Marx presences : art and media theories
Station IV, Noémie Goudal
LE BAL / Martin Argyroglo
The École normale supérieure (ENS) and LE BAL unite for a cycle of screenings and debates dedicated to the contribution of Marx thinking in the artistic creation which, for years, revisits and tries to reproduce Das Kapital.
Beyond the aesthetic transpositions developed by directors, plastic artists and producers, the debate will focus on the necessity to think Das Kapital and its issues within the contemporary theory of medias and image.
This inaugural screening will focus on the plastic dimension of Marx materialism.
Transformation strength, work as the extension of man, links between technical mastery and power, merchandise-fetish show, camera obscura ideology, which visual transposition of the current phenomenons ?
With Ada Ackerman, art historian, research fellow at the CNRS (THALIM), Jens Schröterlecturer lecturer in media studies at the Université de Bonn, publication co-manager in 2006 of a collective work named Media Marx, Antonio Somaini, lecturer in cinematographic studies at the Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, associated director of the Laboratoire International de Recherches en Arts (LIRA).
École Normale Supérieure (ENS)
Room Dussane - 6 PM
45 Rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris