Conversation with Stéphane Duroy, Paul Cottin, Fannie Escoulen and Ezra Nahmad
Shawmut, Montana, États-Unis, 2003
Stéphane Duroy
"Stéphane Duroy not only invented a system, but an original environment between the book and the photography printing, where the book becomes both object and cliché. He established an healthy confusion between the stands, also to show how much the museum and reproductive cycles of photography are exhausted." - Ezra Nahmad
Stéphane Duroy talks with Ezra Nahmad, photographer and critic, Fannie Escoulen, co-curator of the exhibition and Paul Cottin, founding member and past director of the Centre d’art et de recherche GwinZegal.
The meeting will be preceded by a book signing at BAL Books at 7 PM.
Podcast of the meeting (in French) :
Practical info
Booking obligatory
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Price : 6 euros