Concert by Filipe Felizardo and Dana Valser
Double page extraite du livre Fait: Koweit 1991, Éditions Hazan, 1992
Sophie Ristelhueber
At the instigation of music programmer Maxime Guitton, LE BAL is presenting a remarkable concert featuring Lisbon musician and artist Filipe Felizardo, Spanish singer Dana Valser, and accompanists Michel Henritzi and Christophe Langlade. The result is an astonishing alchemy: the profound melancholy of a voice attuned to ancient folklore and the intimate murmurings of the heart, a banjo or lap steel guitar for even more vocal resonance, and an electric guitar that brings a radically new touch to the blues.
Practical info
Fare : 9€
Information and reservation:
Pass DUST: 18 euros
(unlimited access to the exhibition and to the BAL LAB program)