On n'est pas là pour disparaître

Lecture / performance by Olivia Rosenthal
Thursday July 2, 2015 - 7 PM

R. A. REISS, coll. IPSC, Lausanne

Olivia Rosenthal read On n’est pas là pour disparaître with improvised recomposition of the text, realted to the exhibition.

Among several of her books, the writer use science and scientific vocabulary as origin and motor to his history. Compared to Images of Conviction, this performance will be followed by a discussion in which Olivia Rosenthal will evoke the way sciences become elements of fiction.


Practical info

Admission: Exhibition ticket
Information and reservation: contact@le-bal.fr

Pass Images of conviction: 18 euros 
(unlimited access to the exhibition and to the BAL LAB program)



Images of Conviction

The Construction of Visual Evidence